Pro Energy Trade (PET) Group is a company registered in the State of Illinois, USA, Reg. file No. 68052165. The Company started working on October 5, 2010 in Chicago. PET Group has branch offices in Belgrade, Serbia (South Eastern Europe) and Stockholm, Sweden. Our partner members are highly capable and efficient professionals with many years of experience behind them.
Pro Energy Trade Group specializes in analyses, exploration and sale of natural energy materials, oil and its derivatives in particular, such as jet fuel, diesel, oil fuel and bitumen.
PET Group has 11 years of experience (2004) in the oil industry and it also has a substantial network of highly reputable clients for the crude and refined oil products, especially jet fuel Jet A-1 kerosene, oil fuel, bitumen and all types of diesel fuel. We base relationships with our clients on mutual trust and respect.
PET Group is ready, willing and able to start the business of brokering or mandating the sale of oil products of Russian or other origin with any and all interested companies directly and immediately.
PET Group is planning-promoting the financing and construction of Gazprom’s initiated franchised gas stations throughout the continental US in the nearest possible
PET Group and its Contractual Mandates are all oil industry-approved, certified and licensed agents/brokers who make it possible for End buyers around the globe to deal directly with the sellers/refineries.
Pro Energy Trade, Inc. is a company that also designs and implements wind farms as well as solar panels.